Couples often worry about the impact their divorce is going to have on their emotional state — but most adults are more emotionally resilient than they realize.
Kids may function a bit differently. They thrive on consistency. Any disruptions to their routine, such as their parents’ divorce, can impact their behaviors and emotions, which may leave a lasting impression on their lives.
How can you minimize the negative consequences of your divorce on your children?
You can take steps as a parent to minimize the impact your divorce has on your kids, including:
- Keeping them in the loop about what’s going on: Children are more observant than their parents realize. They can sense when things are off. You should be as upfront and honest in telling them as much as possible about what’s going on. Kids tend to create mental pictures of what’s going on. Knowing this information can help them understand where they fall into that dynamic.
- Reassure your kids: You should make sure that you are clear with your kids that you love them and that they’re not responsible for the demise of your relationship in any way.
- Consistency is key: Maintaining a stable home life to include following a predictable routine is best for your kids. Your primary focus should be on considering the impact your decisions will have on your kids when making them.
- Prioritize communication with your co-parent: The more you and your ex show that you’re respectful of one another when engaging each other, the more comfortable your child is likely to cope with your split.
Parenting plans affect kids’ abilities to cope with a divorce. Moms and dads who can set aside their differences to come up with a strategy for maintaining consistency in their kids’ schedules tend to most effectively cope with their parents’ divorce. An attorney can guide you as you look to broker an agreement with your ex that puts your kids’ best interests first.